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B.Ed Practical Viva Questions
We uploaded B.Ed Practical Viva Questions for your Exam preparation
Viva Model Questions B.Ed 2Year
What are models of teaching?
What is a smart classroom?
What is the purpose of teaching practice ?
What is an instruction?
Where you had gone for teaching practice?
What are the difficulties you faced during teaching practice?
Give the topic of your power point presentation in ET record.
Define Educational Technology
What are Models and Specimens?
What change you got after teaching practice ?
Name different types of Boards
What is pedagogy?
What is e learning, e book, e tutoring?
What is Technology in Education and Technology of Education?
Which method you used for teaching practice ?
What are Models and Specimens?
What is an improvised apparatus?
What is a criticism lesson ?
What is the purpose of practicing criticism lessons ?
ny benefits for practicing criticism lessons ?
What is an instruction?
Meaning of instructional material.
What are the materials that can be used for instruction?
Why should we use instructional materials?
Meaning of instructional material.
What are projected aids?
What are non-projected aids?
Write a brief note on minimum levels of education
What is underemployment?
What a re the advantages of tg. aids in the classroom?
What is non – violence?
What are your ways of managing a classroom properly?
What are the usual aids you use in your teaching?
What are the problems you usually find in managing a classroom?
What is blue print?
Why to prepare a blue print?
What is micro teaching?
Who invented the technique of micro teaching ?
What are the benefits of micro teaching ?
What are the different skills of teaching ?
What is discussion lesson ?
What is demonstration lessons ?
What is the role of teacher while discussing lessons ?
What benefit you got after discussing lessons ?
What is demonstration lessons ?
These are the most important B.Ed Practical Viva Questions
B.Ed Practical Exam Starts From – 03-03-2023

B Ed Study Material
TNTEU B.Ed Second year Study Material-2022 – Click Here
B.Ed Second Year Model Question Paper – Click Here
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